Saturday, 25 February 2012

Going Public in 2012

As more information comes in, people ask what I am going to do with the fascinating information that is coming to light. 'You should write a book' being the most common idea.

Book, website , Kindle or publish on demand are all in the distant future, but a small exhibition at Selby Road Open Gardens 26th & 27th May 2012 - 2-6pm and at the Diamond Jubilee Street Party will be possible.

In case you are reading this and live or have lived on Selby Road and are still shy about contacting me I thought I would try and reassure you. The following information fits onto an A4 sheet. Similar sheets for each family will follow the same template and can be easily displayed.

I have been privileged to have been told some great personal histories and have much more information to work through. However the next stage is to create the simple A4 introduction sheets like the one below. If you can help create a sheet like this, I would be grateful. If you have any more stories or even brief memories about the people who lived in our houses PLEASE do get in contact.

Sample A4 sheet.
  83 Selby Road                                                                                         Richard Foster

Father: Walter John Foster : born 1909  d.1970
He had always been interested in photography and lectured on aerial photography while serving in the RAF. He became Chief Overseer of the Photo-processing Dept.of the Nottingham Evening Post and the Guardian Journal. He was a colleague of Frank Baker at No.78 Selby.

Mother. Ethel Marion Foster [nee Parker]: born 1907 Leics. d.2003

Before her marriage she worked as a shorthand typist for the Chief Accountant of the Leicestershire Evening Mail.  She kept house for her family which included her parents who were living with them at No.83.
After 1970 she worker as a  'Find the Ball' or 'Spot the Ball' competition checker for the Nottingham Evening Post.

Son: Richard:  born 1948 Chesterfield   was 5 years old on arrival at house. The move brought him into the catchment area of Jesse Gray Primary School. 

Sharing the house: Mr Thomas and Mrs Hattie Parker, seen with Richard aged 2.

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